Below are the result that we get from our survey:-
For the second question, we had ask them on how much did they understand about this policy. As for the result, it show that 51.7% of them averagely understand this policy and only 6.9% that didn't know about this. There is also a few, 13.8% of them that understand a lot about this policy. Moreover, we all knew that people do have their own way on concerning about this policy.
For the 3rd question, as from the result it seemed that 93.1% of the correspondent answer correctly and only 6.9% didn't know whom that introduce this policy. For us Malaysian actually need to know about our country, otherwise people around us will ignore us.
The 4th question is that does this policy can unite people in our country. According from the result that we had obtained, 75.9% of them answered "yes" and only 24.1% answered "no". This maybe because there are some benefits and some disadvantage that we get from this policy.
Lastly, we ask theem in which way does this policy unite people in Malaysia. There are 3 ways that we suggests to them; politic, economic, and social. The most answered is "economic" which has 39.3% of the correspondent, followed by "social" 14.3% and lastly "politic" 10.7%. Half of the correspondent, 35.7% of them also answered other which is "all above". This is maybe because that all pf the above ways is also contributing in uniting the people in Malaysia.
As for the conclusion, we all know that our country have many other policy that also contributes in uniting us as Malaysian citizen. Furthermore, we need to learn, understand and also contribute ourselves in our country's policies.
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