Saturday, November 6, 2010


Below are the result that we get from our survey:-

Firstly of all, we had ask the correspond-er if they knew about this policy. According to result that we had obtained, it seem that 96.6% of them knew about this policy and only 3.4% of them didn't about this policy. For the conclusion, we know that people in our country also concern about this policy.

For the second question, we had ask them on how much did they understand about this policy. As for the result, it show that 51.7% of them averagely understand this policy and only 6.9% that didn't know about this. There is also a few, 13.8% of them that understand a lot about this policy. Moreover, we all knew that people do have their own way on concerning about this policy.

For the 3rd question, as from the result it seemed that 93.1% of the correspondent answer correctly and only 6.9% didn't know whom that introduce this policy. For us Malaysian actually need to know about our country, otherwise people around us will ignore us.

The 4th question is that does this policy can unite people in our country. According from the result that we had obtained, 75.9% of them answered "yes" and only 24.1% answered "no". This maybe because there are some benefits and some disadvantage that we get from this policy.

Lastly, we ask theem in which way does this policy unite people in Malaysia. There are 3 ways that we suggests to them; politic, economic, and social. The most answered is "economic" which has 39.3% of the correspondent, followed by "social" 14.3% and lastly "politic" 10.7%. Half of the correspondent, 35.7% of them also answered other which is "all above". This is maybe because that all pf the above ways is also contributing in uniting the people in Malaysia.
As for the conclusion, we all know that our country have many other policy that also contributes in uniting us as Malaysian citizen. Furthermore, we need to learn, understand and also contribute ourselves in our country's policies.

edited by,

Sunday, October 17, 2010


During last weekend, we had spent time together watched malay movie. The tittle of the movie is 1957: Hati Malaya. This movie is to remember the sacrifices made by our founding fathers to free us from colonialism. Today we must cherish and protect the freedom we have inherited – by upholding the country’s integrity we share the responsibility of ensuring a better future for every Malaysian, with a basic right to education. We Malaysians owe it to our founding fathers to stay united, bound together by our national language and heritage.

We really enjoyed this movie, we recommended all of you to watched this awesome movie. When you watch this movie you will feel you are in the movie during that time. We also can learn how people in Malaysia fight for Independence in high spirit of Merdeka and how their socialize to each other.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Before Hari Raya holiday, we have take Ethnic Relation test. We would like to share the content of the questionnaire. To answer the questions, its make us to use our knowledge and critical thinking.
We must know the history and the basic concept in Ethnic relations. The interesting things about the test is we have to create our own program based on how to unite all people in our beloved country, Malaysia. We hope, we can answer the test well and look forward to do the our real program soon!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


In week 4, Mr Ahmad had gave us a task which is draw a comic.Wow!!! this is very interesting activity. Many idea to plot the storyline of the comics were generates among five of us. We have choose the theme of Colonization era when Portuguese came to Malacca. We were very pleased to do this exciting activity.The objective of this comic drawing is not just for fun, Mr Ahmad wants us to relate the concept of ethnic relations so that we can learn while we are having fun at same time.


The third week of Ethnic Relations class activity is to write a dialog from the given comic. On that day, our lecturer, Mr Ahmad has gave us two papers of comics without dialogue. We have to complete the dialogue on the space provide to us. Each group can choose any themes from the basic concept of Ethnic Relation. Our group have choose DISCRIMINATION themes for our dialogue comic. Check it out !!!



Today we would like to share about one of the great games that we had played during Ethnic Relation Class. Mr Ahmad had gave us cross word puzzle game which consist of many word about ethnic Relation. For the games, our class have to do it with partner. During the activity, all of our class try to finish the games as soon as possible to race for each other. We had learn 12 basic concepts of Ethnic Relations such as below, check it out !!!!

1. Assimilation
2. Accomodation
3. Prejudice
4. discrimination
5. Culturation
7. Pluralism
8. Nation